Hatchit is a marketplace for premium online businesses and digital assets. Hatchit was started by three friends, Bob, Denis, and Paul, who wanted to make it easier for others to get into business for themselves.
Bob, Denis, and Paul need a website that supports a community that is open to everyone. They need help in creating a dynamic marketplace for people who are looking to buy and sell apps, websites, domains, software, and much more.
With advancing technology and the rise of social media, Hatchit needs a website to align with the goals of the business and the target audience. Hatchit also needs the website to function as both a powerful marketing and education tool to attract new buyers and sellers. This website needs to promote Hatchit's brand as the #1 destination for people looking to get into business for themselves.
AnoLogix researched some of the top competitors around the country and came up with a design that met the goals of Hatchit. The site is easy to navigate with its search and navigation bars. We made it easy for potential buyers and sellers to find the information they're looking for. The site uses WordPress as a content management platform, allowing for easy updates and uploads.