How to Write Epic Blog Content: Make Yourself Stand Out!
Creating fantastic content is one of the most significant factors in a business's content marketing success. When you create amazing content, it leads to more shares, more traffic, and more backlinks. There are a few characteristics to understand when it comes to making content worthy of bookmarking, and there are some easy steps to reach those characteristics that this article will go over.
Characteristics of Epic Content
Be clear with your content
Before you start working on your next blog post, there are a few things you'll want to keep in mind. First, be clear about what kind of content your post will contain. Readers will want to know what they're going to get and how to get it. Next, you'll want to focus on why. Think about the audience you're trying to reach. Besides gaining more sales, think about your brand and what you're trying to tell customers and potential investors every time you put new content out.
Make sure the post has value
When writing epic content, it's essential to give a lot of value because it's critical to success. If your content doesn't have any value to the people reading it, what's the point of making it in the first place? It's important to remember that you're writing for real people out there. The following paragraphs contain some tips for creating content with value:
Remember that the readers are real people. First, figure out who your readers are and answer some fundamental questions about who you are trying to target. Some marketers create great content covering topics in their niche, but it's not always what the readers are looking for. By figuring out who you want your audience to be, you'll learn the kind of content that resonates with them.
Also, remember that content doesn't always have to be written. When life is so fast paced these days, sometimes its easier for people to hear content via audio or see it via a slideshow or engaging video. Figure out which formats work best for you and your audience.
Write content that isn't always trying to sell something. When writing blog posts, remember that it's all about what you can do for your audience and not what they should be buying from you. If you gather information using social media, think about how you can solve your audience's business and personal problems. You will still have plenty of topics to cover, and in the end, your content will reach people who could be qualified leads for your business.
Create content that engages. The primary purpose of creating valuable content is to engage your audience and leave them wanting to come back for more. However, creating engaging content seems to be one of the most significant challenges for marketers because they see it as a way to rank up their SEO by using tons of keyword-stuffed articles to please the search engines.
When writing epic blog content, tackle controversial subjects or have an innovative approach to topics. You can create a lot of fluff by using all the right keywords in your post, but then no one will want to read your content. To give your posts more value, you should focus on researching the topic you want to cover and developing thorough concepts and ideas.
Keep SEO in mind, but as the last step. High-quality articles can't stand on their own without some help. SEO is a critical part of creating content, but it should always be done last. It's easy to start typing out an article for the keywords, but it offers no value to the reader. Do some thorough research and figure out what words and phrases you want to rank for and start writing your blog with the topic in mind, not the keywords. More than likely, your keywords or phrases will turn up naturally throughout your article as you write it.
Write content that is easily skim-able
Some people have a short attention span, and attention spans are decreasing every year. Even if you have a lot of material to write about, using things such as bullet points, headers, subheadings, and short paragraphs make it easy for people to skim through your content without losing interest.
When writing content, keep it easy on the eyes
Use a readable font and a big font size so that people don't get headaches trying to decipher what you're writing. Some fonts and sizes are much harder to read than others, so make sure you find a universal font that everyone will have an easy time understanding.
Essential features of epic, bookmark-worthy blog content:
- Make sure the post has a compelling title
- Create a short, engaging opening.
- Use some emotional wording to get the reader's attention.
- Get straight to the point.
- Make sure you give your audience a clear takeaway; explain to them what they will learn or gain from reading your post.
Here are the steps to creating fantastic blog content:
- Brainstorm your ideas. See what your competitors are doing and learn about what works well and what doesn't. But remember, you want to create not compete. Come up with some common phrases in your industry and check out Google's autosuggestion feature. Check out other articles, but remember that you don't want to copy these articles, you want to think about how to make that content unique and valuable.
- Make the title stand out. Short titles are the best titles, so keep it under 70 characters and around 8 to 12 words. Make sure your title is a clear statement for the outcome of the article and if your title makes a promise, make sure your content delivers on that promise. Also, try using some powerful or emotional wording to grab your audience's attention. Lastly, always remember that you're writing for people first and SEO second.
- Do your research. Anyone can just throw together an article and post it on the web. Do your research and find valuable and reliable sources.
- Create excellent content that your audience will want to read and view. Have your content be based on solid research and give your article tons of value. Using excellent formatting techniques and including some relevant media will also help keep the reader focused on what you have to say throughout the article.
- Proofread and edit your articles. Don't ever make a post public without reading it first! It can be easy to miss grammatical errors, typos, and bad formatting when writing out the article. Now is also a great time to ask yourself if you would share it or bookmark it. If not, what can you add or change to make your content better?
- Promote your content. Creating valuable content is great! Well, as long as people see it anyways. A few ways to market your blog posts include sharing them on social media, getting influencers to share your content, writing detailed answers to questions on sites such as Quora and linking back to your articles, and trying out pay-per-click advertising using Google AdWords or Facebook Ads.
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